Entries by vhsadmin

Top 10 Investment SACCOs in Kenya

Below is a list of the Top Ten Best Investment SACCOs in Kenya today. Look at No. 10 Unaitas SACCO Kenya Police SACCO Stima SACCO K-Unity SACCO Waumini SACCO Maisha Bora SACCO Hazina SACCO Wanandege SACCO Harambee SACCO Verona Huruma Sacco

Mpesa Loan Disbursement

VH Sacco has introduced loan disbursement through mpesa for  loans below Kshs 140,000 which comes at a fee as set by the board. This will serve to ease loan access of our members since one will not be required to come to the office to pick cheques after application.

Mater Heart Run 2019

We are glad to be among the sponsors of this year’s Mater heart run. The Mater Heart Run was started in 2002 as the main fundraising avenue for the Cardiac program. Initially held only in Nairobi, the Heart Run has grown over the years and is now held in NINE (9) different towns; Nairobi, Mombasa, […]

Christmas Holiday Break

We thank the Lord for the Grace and his abundance of love even as we come to the close of the year 2021. It truly has been a year of great achievement which was possible with your continued savings with us as your trusted SACCO. And therefore we would love to wish you a Merry […]

Mazao Loan

Loan advanced to members based on the previous year’s dividends. Loans are available to members from September to march within a period of six months before the next AGM. Repayment is on a monthly basis or offset against dividends. Security is the current years dividends.

Visa Branded Verona ATM Cards

Introduction of Visa branded Verona ATM Cards to all members. The card can be used from any point of sale, hospitals, petrol station, supermarkets, ATM country wide. A one off fee of ksh 800 is paid for the card.


Distinguished Members. We wish to inform you of our new bank account with Co-operative bank, which has been opened to fulfil the wishes of our members, which is to have a bank that is accessible and convenient for all. With this account, you will be able to bank from co-operative bank agents, ATMs or you […]

What the new stringent rules mean for Saccos and members

The new rules the government is implementing in a bid to tame rogue Saccos are expected to secure the funds for the millions of Kenyans who save through the non-deposit-taking Saccos. The regulations could, however, result in the savers taking a cut on the dividends they take home every year as Saccos retain earnings to meet the […]